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发布时间:【2012-07-31】        阅读:1319 次
   〖Grappling between a Snipe and a Clam〗
    A clam was lying on the edge of the water with her shell open to enjoy the sun.The sweet flesh Of the clam attracted a snipe strolling along the river bank.
    The snipe at once pounced on the clam and pecked her flesh.Swiftly the clam fold-ed her shell and clamped down on the snipe’s bill tightly.Then each one was handi-capped by the other,and neither could move an inch.The snipe sneered,“If it doesn’t rain for a couple of days,let’s wait to see what will become of you!”The clam retort,“Surely in the same time you will either starve to death or thirst to death.”
    So they argued and abused each other for quite a long time,neither ready to give in.Just then,a fisherman happened to pass by.He saw the snipe and the clam,and to his de-light,he caught them both with the greatest ease.
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