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发布时间:【2012-06-18】        阅读:1706 次

Dragon flies around the world 龙行世界

Dragon flies around the world,  龙行世界,

I am power and prestige. 我威我武。

China shao lin,中华少林,

Voice shocks thousands of ages.声震千古,

Rich land is joined by the mountains and rivers.山水间一方沃土,

Gathering dragons’ vein,

It’s thousands of years of strength of character.聚龙脉千年风骨。

Vigorous man who is intelligent and brave, 刚劲智勇好男儿

Spreading shaolin martial arts.传少林功夫。

Walking one hundred and forty-five miles ,行百里半九十,

Undertaking a load of pain.担当一份苦。

Wind frost snow and rain accompany my life ,风霜雪雨相伴我

Getting up early when the rooster crows .闻鸡起舞,

Dare I ask where it is the love of the hero,敢稳英雄情归何处

Crying with the long song .长歌当哭。

Surmounting thousands of mountains and millions of roads .跨越千山万里路,

Reading a pile of books,饯行人生一卷书,

Famous in five continents.名贯五洲,

Renown in all the places声威处处,

Siping shaolin 四平少林,

Dragon flies around the world..龙行世界,

It is literature and forceful 能文能武。


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